Tuesday, July 01, 2008

July Resolutions

I did really, really bad with last months resolutions. Not only did I not have more outgoing than incoming yarn, the incoming was more than double the outgoing! Not as bad as last month (which was more like 10x), but still, I really need to get a grip there! The funny thing is that I've been reading Not Buying It and really enjoying it. I feel like it is making me rethink my purchase choices, though the yarn numbers would seem to bring that into question.

On the projects, not as bad, but still bad. I finished two of the three projects I listed - Amandine's shawl and Margarethe's socks. No pictures. The first because it isn't blocked yet and the second, well just because I seem to be lagging in the picture taking arena lately. But I also started a new pair of socks also (and also, no picture), so the tally is still at 18 there.

This month I really want to try and reverse that yardage flow. Which I think means I need to get serious about moving out some yarn I have scheduled for disposal. Or finishing some big projects.

Which leads me to this month's project goals - finish the new pair of socks, those mittens, and Toad's Aran.

The last has been languishing way too long, and if I make it a priority this month maybe it can see some use this coming fall and winter!

1 comment:

Romi said...

Wow! I'm impressed! But I still want to see pics. :)